multimedia artist




My 5th and final year as a Bachelor of Fine Arts undergraduate at the University of Alberta.
Focused on Painting, Printmaking, Performance, and Environmentalism.

Varscona Theatre | Mural

Oil Beetle PErformance

-Photo by Michael Woolley

“Hi, who are you here?
I am an invasive species“

Part of a 3 hour performance outside of Mile Zero Dance where I sat in my Nest and Gave out informational pamphlets to anyone who walked by!

Oil Beetle Nest

Can be found in alleys, the river valley, national parks

Pretty much anywhere there is Human Activity…

If you find an oil beetle nest in the wild, pick it up and dispose of according to local waste management guidelines.

The Climate Grief series, 2018

Children in various emotional states contemplating post-colonial environment.
Each painting features a different Group of 7 work, championed for reverence of the sublime “Canadian” landscape.

Mountains are the Water towers of the world, 2018

Inspired by what I learned about legacy pollutants and the Hydrological cycle through the Mountains 101 class.

This painting depicts anxiety over the ways in which human intervention has become necessary to fulfill natural processes, such as filtering water.

Back Pain (2018)

Sickly plastic trees sprout from a feverish J.E.H. MacDonald painting which rests a trash pile.

Bottom tire looks a bit like a turtle. The child has some heavy lifting to do!

A commentary on how it will be up to future generations to correct the mistakes of the past.

When I Grow Up


Two row wampum belt symbolizing the agreement and conditions under which the Haudenosaunee welcomed newcomers to turtle island. The lines represent two ships sailing along the same river, living equally in harmony with each other and the land.

A fat impasto Group of 7 Painting painting rests atop this belt, threatening to crush it.

Uninterested in the message of this painting, a young boy plays with construction toys - imagining all that he will build when he grows up.

Fever Dreams 1

Garbage clean up within the world of a J.E.H.MacDonald painting. Oil slick clouds and plastic debris litter the landscape.

Fever Dreams 2

Building a raft, an act of care.

Girl Guides

Girl Guide Artist Books

Land Management

An installation at the paint spot for NextFest, 2018. A collection of metaphors meant to encourage environmental stewardship.

Sketches from this installation would go on to be used for years to come :)
