Twenty Twenty…
10 day art action as part of a performance art workshop titled “Inhabiting Time” with Marilyn Arsem
Nina Haggerty RBC Emerging Artist Internship
Often, I wander around armed with a magnifying glass and a curious eye – looking for stories residing within everyday objects. If viewed from just the right angle, a tree branch might look like a bellybutton and a back-alley candy wrapper could appear as if it were an oil spill. There are many critical turning points hidden in ephemera of our recent past which can tell us a lot about our future.
ZORG 2020
An Epic 56 page poem written by Britney Leitheiser and myself at the Nina Haggerty:
Dormant Auspices - The Three Fates of Lowlands
3 week project with Micah Haykowsky at Lowlands Outdoor Sculpture Gallery | October 2020
Smell the sounds of new renewal
Faces masked - water on fuel.
Neath the darkened wood warm vines
lurk antidotes I might divine …
Fever, fever, overcame –
Now we play a sweeping game
Whispers loud and legs shaped lame
Find me clean and I’ll be tame
Bend and bow to what I offer
Eyes shine bright and borders softer
Submit yourself and we shall see
Salvation as your destiny…
Look up Moon, cold blood boil.
Scrub your palms with dust and soil.
Above the archway, tongue at bay
Flanking trunks Old maple, stay.
Ahead, ahead, we’ll need your wisdom
First give us your deepest kingdoms
Split up and search the deadened flora
For lonely souls have the best aura …
Seasons rot and truth unfurls
Decode the secrets of old-worlds
Fear not young traveller, all will be fine
A cure hangs loosely on the pines
“Jam Today” @ The Carrot Cafe
Dec 1, 2020 - Jan 31, 2021.
The Queen said to Alice; “The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday – but never jam to-day.” Well I say, Jam can be lots of things if you get creative about it… so why not to-day? This body of work explores themes of making do with what you’ve got; whether it be time, friends, ideas, or little scraps of paper.